Friday, February 1, 2008

Jacob's Cabin - *Spoiler Alert*

Looks like Christian Shepard to me. Pretty convincing right? But why would Hurley see Jack's father in Jacob's cabin? And did Locke see Christian as well? What did he see from his perspective inside the cabin? It could be something completely different. Best. Show. Ever.

Also, who else was in the cabin with Locke and Christian? Is this Jacob?

So many questions which lead to so much discussion. I love this show.

1 comment:

Tannertrue said...

I think the eye belongs to the immortal russian Nick Fury guy. As for Jacob, I am not going to hurt my brain trying to figure it out. I think that picture looks doctored. And I think that the doctored picture looks like Rudy Giuliani.

ALSO! FREAKING COLONEL DANIELS IS ON LOST!!!!! I also saw Michael on Law and Order. And the next episode had Deputy Rawls in it as a closeted homosexual politician. "Ripped from the headlines."

I swear the entire cast of the Wire gets a free pass for life. They could spend the rest of their lives working in community theater and I would think that they are all great.