Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Magic Box

I know I said I wasn't going to post anything else about Lost. Technically this isn't really about Lost although Lost is mentioned and the main theme of the post relates strongly to Lost. So what I wanted to share today is a presentation that JJ Abrams gave at TED in 2007 wherein he discusses the magic of mysteries, his favorite scene from Jaws, his love for Apple, and also makes a few jokes that really weren't that funny. I watched this a couple of years ago and really appreciated Abrams' perspective on the value of mystery in story telling. While I was discussing my views on Lost with one of my friends the other day we discussed how I enjoy the mystery more than the answer. There is so much more excitement and emotion in the unknown and when the answers are finally revealed they are more often than not quite anti-climactic. It is so much more satisfying for me when the "answers" are left to my imagination. I prefer not to see the man behind the curtain. So yeah, give this little presentation by the great JJ Abrams a view. It may give you a new perspective on the role of mystery in storytelling. Also, if you haven't already explored the archives of TED than do yourself a huge favor and watch some of the presentations. They are absolutely fascinating.


Tannerama said...

The Force turned out to be midichlorians. So, yeah, sometimes the mystery is better than the answer.

Also, really liked that link you shared from the bad robot guy.

Morgan said...

Midichlorians is the perfect example. Thanks Tanner.

aaronymous said...

definitely one of my favorite TED talks

matt said...

I largely agree with Ross Douthat on Lost, except for the parts where he likes it.


matt said...

oh, and you use the word "Lost" 7 times in a post that wasn't about Lost. Cool.