Friday, March 13, 2009

My good friend who is fast approaching the creepy grandpa stage in his life sent me a link yesterday. When I saw the title of the blog was Why Mormon Girls Stay Single I instantly became giddy with anticipation for some great humor. Turns out the humor is only decent but the author(s) do touch on some pretty good issues and have some solid advice for LDS women who are single. I have a feeling that the authors of the blogs are angling for a book deal that will be extremely easy to put together by editing and compiling a selection of their posts. If they do not have this goal in mind than they are pretty retarded.

So like I said, the humor in the blog itself wasn't anything monumental. The humor is more of a tool used to help author(s) convey their message. The comments on the other hand are quite a different story. For some reason I never grow weary of reading comments by angry people on a mission to right every perceived wrong in the electronic universe via their "hey look at me I take myself way too seriously and have absolutely no sense of humor whatsoever" comments. Kind of like rain on your wedding day, yeah? Oh wait, that isn't really ironic. How about a free ride when you are already late?

PS If one of the aforementioned computerweb activists decide to make some funny comments on this post, my preemptive response is:

Check out my fun cooker.


lybberty said...

Check out my fun cooker.


Jessica said...

"Check out my fun cooker." LOL! That totally caught me off guard! And you're right about that website. They have good insight, but they're not as funny as they could be.

Broek said...

this site is a curiosity to me because there are plenty of mormon guys who fit the bill in terms of comparable queerness so why don't they get together.

(ie. flip flop, cargo short, hair gelling, bromancing, need church social programs to bottle feed them dates types)