Monday, May 11, 2009

Star Trek in 3 Words

I. Loved. It.


Reza said...

Agreed loved it.

lybberty said...

It was good. Very good. But after a little reflection, I find myself disappointed with the time travel thing generally (really? they're going to toss aside everything!?!!) and Leonard Nimoy specifically. He sucked.

All the new cast members were awesome, Nimoy was a drag on every scene in which he appeared. Further, I think that his addition weakened the story overall.

These miner-fellows blamed Spock & the Federation simply because he got there late? Come on. Then they hung out doing what, exactly, for 25 years? They seem to have aged well, I'll give them that.

And then, rather than go & explain things to Spock Jr. himself, Spock Sr. puts billions of lives & the future of the universe at stake in order to preserve a friendship? Seriously?

Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.

I give this movie 4 out of 5. Get rid of Nimoy & tighten up a few story-line elements & it gets a 5 out of 5, IMHO.