Thursday, May 14, 2009

Take The Mask Off

One of my friends, who is quite the rascal in his own right, sent me the link to this "focus group" that Spike Jonze did in preparation for Where the Wild Things Are. I try to keep this a spoiler free zone so I don't want to say too much about the clip before you see it so I will just say that is absolutely hilarious for a variety of reasons. After the clip I will tell you why I liked it so much.

Where The Wild Things Are Focus Group #1 from Lance Bangs on Vimeo.

So the reason I found this to be so funny is that I can totally see myself doing the same thing if I had access to a totally awesome mask and a cute little neighbor boy with a funny voice. I would totally try to tell him that I wasn't wearing the mask but mess up and admit that I was. I would then chuckle at myself because I would think I am soooo funny.  Probably because I am. Needless to say, my excitement for Where The Wild Things Are continues grow.

PS Check out the blog We Love You So which was initially set up by Spike Jonze to "shed some light on many of the small influences that have converged to make this massive project a reality." It is totally awesome.

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