Thursday, February 1, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

The highlight of my day so far was receiving a nice little email from Barnes & Noble informing me that I could now pre-order the final Harry Potter book - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It looks like the book will be released on July 21st.

I am both excited and disappointed at the same time. I am not excited for the possibility of seeing a naked Harry but because it is the next installment in the Harry Potter story. Yet, I am disappointed because it is the final chapter in what has become one of my favorite stories of all time. I like the story so much that I even bought a GIGANTIC poster from the first Harry Potter movie at a charity auction without thinking through the logistics of a) how will I get the poster home when it is too big to fit in my car and b) where will I hang the poster when I do get it home. That is what I get for being such an impulse buyer. Many of you reading this will be happy to know that yes, I do in fact still make many decisions based on emotion.

So it is with bitter-sweet joy that I await Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.


lybberty said...
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lybberty said...

You know what this place needs? A really large, oversized poster of Harry Potter....oh look! You've got one!