Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The Coke Side of Life

I think that there are fundamentally two groups of people: those who support Coca Cola and those who support Pepsi. Me, I am a Coke man through and through. Coke locked up my loyalties on a sunny President's Day afternoon in Sin City my freshman year in college when I experienced the greatness that was the Coke Factory with the magical fountains that would shoot the perfectly mixed nectar of the gods across the room to land delicately in my waiting glass.

Super Bowl Sunday reminded me once again of why I am a Coke man when they aired "The Coke Side of Life" ad. I have seen this ad multiple times at movie theaters, but it had been a while since I last saw it because it had been replaced in theaters by the equally enjoyable if not quite as impressive GTA themed advert. I usually don't like to qualifying something with the tag of "my favorite..." or "best...ever..." but I am going to put myself out there and say that this is one of the best ads I have seen in a long, long time. I think my friend over at The Boxpilot would agree. So without further ado, I present "The Coke Side of Life" for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy.


lybberty said...

How about a list of your all-time greatest "Coke Moments"?

Where does "on the beach at Malpaiz" fit in the hierarchy?

boxpilot said...

its true, i do, in fact, love this spot . . . alot. i heart it. i heart this spot. i <3 it all over the freaking digiverse.

i just made that up. digiverse. i'm awesome.

Carl Hardie said...

You forgot to mention that after drinking all that Coke, we had to stop about 12 times during the 5 hour drive home for you to take a wiz. "Hey guys can we pull over soon...."