Thursday, December 27, 2007

There Will Be Blood

I made my pilgrimage to the ArcLight last night to watch the latest PT Anderson film There Will Be Blood starring Daniel Day Lewis. This movie totally rocked my casbah if you know what I mean. I woke up at 3AM today trying to think about what I could write to do this movie justice and I am still at a loss. The best I can come up with is:

Daniel *clap* Day *clap* Lewis *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*

His performance was just stunning. The way he walked with his hunched over posture and how his limp became progressively more pronounced as he aged was pure genius. And the final act was just amazing. I had spent the entire movie pulling for him to find his redemption and make peace with himself and those around him and then the way he totally slammed the door on my "hope" was riveting. I was so sucked in that I was literally on the edge of my seat. And this is after 2 1/2 hours and a very large Diet Coke. I didn't even care that my bladder almost burst. Daniel Day Lewis is truly a master of his craft.

What more can I say? It all began and ended with Daniel Day Lewis for me. I don't want to discount other aspects of the movie though because it was a complete movie going experience for me. The sound mix was excellent. The cinematography was top notch. The characters had depth and the story was compelling. And the score was ridiculously good. All in all it was a fantastic movie. But like I said before - Daniel. Day. Lewis. I can't stop thinking about his performance. Amazing.

1 comment:

The Bachelor said...

The diet coke part cracks me up