Thursday, January 10, 2008

East Egg

A couple months ago my good friend K. Paugh, who you may recognize from the inaugural post of this blog, hosted the Best. Themed Party. Ever. to celebrate the birth of the lovely Ms. Aurelio. The party was held at the Masonic Lodge in Pasadena and everybody came dressed in their finest East Egg / Great Gatsby attire.

Here is a photo of one handsome devil taken that evening.

Click here for additional photos from the evening. You won't be disappointed. There are some excellent photos involving jolly mustaches.


Tannertrue said...

You got that right.

Broek said...

Tanner I swear to you, if you keep running around with those pink feather hatted hussies, so help me you will never lay a finger on father's fortune. I mean it.

Fernando said...

Looks like a fabulous party. I wish I had some money to throw a party like this. :)