Friday, December 12, 2008

Give (the city of brotherly) Love a Chance

A couple of weeks ago I was talking with a few friends and they started talking about how funny It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is. They insisted that I give it a try and guaranteed that I would laugh. I must admit, I was quite skeptical. I have resisted watching the show over the last couple of years because I had this notion that I would not like it because it was a show for douchebags from Arizona and/or Orange County. It was a show for dudes who sat around and talked about tits and creatine (In order to maintain my journalistic integrity, I must state that that last line was not my own. I'm not sure where I heard it first but it still makes me laugh to this day.). I am not sure where this preconceived notion of the show stemmed from. Maybe it was something in the marketing that triggered this response. Who knows? Irregardless (I chuckeld to myself as I wrote that), I finally decided to give the show a chance. 

I started with season one, courtesy of the excellent website known as Hulu, and after watching the first four episodes I happily admit that I am hooked. I laugh out loud at least a 3 or 4 times each episode. The show, while a little on the crass side, is absolutlely hilarious. So far Charlie is my favorite character but Mac is a close second. Absolutely ridiculous yet funnier than a screen door on a battleship.

So yeah, if you had the same preconceived notions regarding the show that I did I recommend trying to get past them and giving the show a chance. You just might find something that will make you laugh.


Tannerama said...

THANK YOU! I knew you would like it. Charlie is far and away the best character in the show. I love that they call menial labor "charlie work."

oh man I was sad when this season ended.

Anonymous said...

just wait until you get to the nightman episode. couldn't stop laughing!