Monday, December 8, 2008

Sia on Letterman

Last night I was enjoying dinner with a great group of friends and as is almost customary by now, we discussed and debated various media related topics such as the current season of 30 Rock, why Pushing Daisies was cancelled, what would happen if one of our friends who is 6 or 7 months pregnant gave birth to a Benjamin Button, and the greatness of David Mamet. One of the best little pieces of trivia I learned was that Mike Myers kind of stumbled into his role in the super- mega-blockbuster franchise Shrek. Chris Farley was originally cast as Shrek, but upon his untimely passing, the role was given, with much trepidation, to Mike Myers and the rest is history. Billion dollar history.

In addition to the aforementioned topics, we also discussed the ins and outs of the oft visited topic of Letterman vs Leno. This conversation reminded me of a musical performance by Sia on Letterman a few weeks ago. Sia is simply amazing and her performance is fantastic. However, what really makes this clip worthwhile is Sia's reaction when Letterman comes on stage to congratulate her on her performance and wrap the show. Her genuine happiness and excitement is quite infectious. Seriously. It is totally worth the 3 and a half or 4 minutes of your time to enjoy the entire performance and receive the tremendous pay-off in the final seconds. I totally fell in love with Sia all over again.

PS We also had the traditional Fathers Office sucks, no The Counter sucks argument. Some things never change. It is actually quite comforting sometimes.

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