Thursday, May 17, 2007

Help Me Choose a Car

I have been sitting in training for the last couple of days and it has completely drained the creative energy from me. I have been trying to think of something funny to write about like the XX (Dos Equis) beer commercials with "The Most Interesting Man in the World" or embellishing the story surrounding the uneventful changing of the flat tire while on my way to the office yesterday. I am drawing a blank though.

So I thought I would use today's post to help me make the decision of which car I should buy. I need to replace my current Saab because I am getting to the point where I might as well be driving a Maserati due to the maintenance costs and the impact on my "monthly payment". I refer to this general rule of thumb as "Dan's Law" in tribute to its dubious creator.

What I am looking for is suggestions for what I should get. The only criteria I have is that I want something small and impractical with an automatic transmission. I deal with traffic way too much for me to have a standard transmission. I also want something small so that I can easily find parking. By impractical I mean that I don't want a Civic, Camry, etc. Oh and one more thing. I don't want an American made car. I don't believe in "American Muscle."

So feel free to leave your suggestions in the comments. Bonus points will be awarded for solid support for why I should choose a specific car.

PS Humor is encouraged as well.


Anonymous said...


Take a look at the Acura RSX and the Audi A3. For my money those are the best smaller cars you can get. I got a good deal at keyes on van nuys acura on my tsx, but it took some serious battling.


lybberty said...

3 Series Bimmer.

After a couple of years, an Audi is just another non-descript sedan.

Carl Hardie said...

I can totally see you pimpin in a Daewoo. It is completely impractical and here are the reasons supporting my proposal:

1. The company went bankrupt in 2002 so there aren't going to be too many other people driving around in the same ride.
2. The company was Korean (Although GM bought part of the company) so it fits the foreign requirement.
3. If you rearrange the letters in the name, you can spell "A Wood-e"
4. The company only made small cars, so you won't appear to be overcompensating for anything.
5. They are really, really cheap.
6. No one would ever want to steal it, or touch it for that matter.


Renegade of Funk said...

I wouldn't take a dump in a daewoo.

matt said...

The BMW Isetta, popularized by Family Matters' Steve Urkel.

matt said...
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matt said...

Or a DeLorean. You know you've always wanted one. That, and a hoverboard.

Renegade of Funk said...

If you want unique, impractical, and small convertible, look no further than the VW Thing. I recommend the Acapulco edition.

Renegade of Funk said...

Also the Volkswagen TDI (Turbo Diesel) is probably the most affordable car to own. Runs on diesel, gets extremely good gas mileage (like 40-45 or better). And if you're feeling zen you can always run it on vegetable oil (with a $200 conversion). Plus its small and cool. Maybe too small, but easy to park.

matt said...

No self-respecting male would EVER drive a VW.

Carl Hardie said...

How about a Campagna T-Rex? It is like a car/motorcycle hybrid and I'm sure you wouldn't look gay at all driving it around LA.

Carl Hardie said...

On a more serious note, how about a 2000 Honda S2000 Convertible. Here is a link to check it out:

Dubious Brown said...

Here's your dream car

Anonymous said...

are you pro-ugly or anti-ugly? because if you are pro ugly....

there has never been a better car ever made ever. Ever.