You, the reader, may be tired of reading about how great this movie is blah blah blah (or Bob Loblaw's Law Blog if you will). Especially if you are a person I have personal contact with because I have probably talked with you about it multiple times. But seriously, if you haven't watched this movie yet you really need to. After watching it, I dare you to not go out and find a copy of the soundtrack. It is that good. Everybody I have turned on to this movie has loved it. And when I say everybody, I mean everybody. I am not one for hyperbole so you can trust me on this one.
PS That last sentence was a joke. I am in fact one for hyperbole. But really, you can trust me on this one. You will love this movie. I promise.
The opportunity stared you in the face, the joke was ripe for the making, and you denied it: you saw Once Again once again.
I really expected more out of you
morgan is above such triviality. he's into serious stuff . . . like movies. . .
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